When Flying Internationally...
Remember to leave early. For instance, 4am. The less pleasant the weather, the better. Here we could have done better with an actual snowstorm, or say, hail, or ducks flying into the side of the plane while still on the tarmac. The worse the weather, the more of an adventure, for you and the pilot. For instance, you don't even know if you're on the right runway if your visibility is a maximum of only 3 feet in front of you. Sincerely, its better when the weather isn't great, because the clouds are amazing. Its nice when things clear up, too. But then you start to ask "are we in the right place? Isn't this supposed to involve water... and islands?" "And sleep?" Remember, even if there's a sequence, it may not be "in order," or even "in English." In this case it was in English, but there were two lines and the numeric sequences were s...